We moved into our home in late November. The basement is a finished walkout basement, and already had a doggy door in place. We immediately set up heavy duty kennel panels
My dogs are diggers. With the ground frozen, it is not something I had to worry about. With Spring and warmer temperatures approaching, I realized I needed to dig-proof their kennel area.
Several options exist for preventing a dog from digging out under a fence.
- Some, including a friend of mine, use large paving stones the entire length of the fence line. I considered this option, but there is a cost or effort to make them look nice and ensure that they stay properly in place.
- Others bury fencing three feet or more underground. This would be timely, and a huge labor investment.
- I have seen others take cattle or hog panels and place them on the ground, perpendicular to the fencing itself, and then secure the panels to the fence. Dogs cannot dig an area large enough through the panels to dig out.
- Lastly, I have seen many use concrete.
We had a warm up and snow melt, that led to my nemesis: MUD. |
Close up of the horrid mud. |
They arrived early Monday morning, and did a bit of leveling, set up a frame, and placed a sheet of thick, heavy plastic on the ground. We chose to have it slope slightly, to run into the grass when hosing it down.
The concrete truck showed up a couple hours later, and poured the concrete in. I am easily entertained, as I had to watch it being poured.
Monday and Tuesday were beautiful days here. High temperatures in the 60's, and sunny. We took the dogs on long walks, and enjoyed the time outside with them either on leashes, or on tie-outs near us, while the concrete "cured."
Last night, we replaced the kennel panels, and this morning, it was ready to use.
It might be hard to tell, but that IS snow in the picture. After a high of 68 degrees yesterday, it was snowing this morning, and the wind chill was near zero degrees. Only in the Midwest.
I am glad I chose concrete. I feel safe with it, and there is also the cleanliness factor. I am going to purchase some outdoor beds, for the times when my dogs just want to nap outside, so that they don't have to do so on hard concrete.